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作者姓名:丛山  刘莹  李洪  李鑫钢  张吕鸿  王磊
作者单位:1.School of Chemical Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China;2.National Engineering Research Center for Distillation Technology, Tianjin 300072, China;3.Yunnan Jiehua Clean Energy Development Co., Ltd., Yunnan 650224, China
基金项目:Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(21176172);Top Talents Program of Yunnan Province,China(2011HA010)
摘    要:The purification and separation of durene from the mixture containing durene isomers were studied. Since the boiling points of tetramethyl benzene isomers are very close but their melting points are of great differences, stat-ic melt crystallization was applied to separate and purify durene from its isomers. Crystallization experiments were carried out under various operating conditions. The effects of cooling rate, crystallization temperature, sweating temperature and sweating time on the yield and purity of crystal were investigated. Orthogonal exper-imental design method was adopted to analyze the factors that may affect the yield of durene. Under the optimal crystal ization conditions, the purity of durene could reach as high as 99.06%with the yield of 75.3%through one crystal ization process. By fitting purification data based on sweating time in isothermal operations, the purifica-tion rate coefficient was obtained.

关 键 词:Durene  Static melt crystallization  Isothermal sweating  Orthogonal experimental design  
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