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Scattering of Light from Two Interacting Spherical Particles
Authors:V.A. Markel'
Affiliation:Institute of Automation and Electrometry , Russian Academy of Sciences , Siberian Branch, Universitetski Prospect 1, 630090, Novosibirsk, Russia

Linear optical properties of two spherical particles interacting via their dipole fields are studied. The dipole susceptibility and cross-sections of extinction, scattering and dissipation are found as functions of susceptibility χ0 of an isolated particle. The case of arbitrary distance between particles is considered (which include interaction in near-zone, transitional-zone and far-zone). It is shown, that radiative energy losses of an oscillating dipole give rise to a finite phase shift between oscillations of the dipole and it's electromagnetic field in the near-zone. Application of this fact to the problem of two interacting dipoles leads to appearance of two additional resonances of susceptibility of the pair with radiative half-width tending to be zero when r12→0 as (r12/λ)2, where r 12 is the distance between particles.
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