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A system of automatic control of motion speed of a city transport system electric train
Authors:O. E. Pudovikov  Aung Zo Tun
Abstract:An adaptive system of automatic control of the electric train motion speed permitting one to take into account the specific requirements imposed by the control object is proposed. Such requirements include limitation of the level of the index of the movement smoothness during the transient movement modes characterizing the degree of comfort for the passengers, as well as the possibility of implementing accelerations (delays) differing from nominal ones. The methods of automatic control and simulation modeling theory are used while solving the problem. The required control quality is provided by the fact that the input drive signal for the speed control circuit is smoothed by means of an operator, which is based on integration with saturation. The speed control circuit parameters are determined as a result of solving the task of the parametrical synthesis. The result of the work is an operation algorithm of the automatic control system (ACS) of the electric train speed, application of which provides limitation of the level of the movement smoothness index within the transient movement modes. As a result of solving the task of the parametrical synthesis the analytical dependences are also obtained connecting the ACS control law parameters with the train weight, use of which provides independence of the control quality on the train weight.
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