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摘    要:<正> “农村是一个广阔的市场,是一个存在巨大机会的市场,同时也是一个需要培育的市场。农村市场不是一个单一市场,而是一个多元市场,需要我们下力气研究各地区的消费特点、生活形态,以合适的策略进入……”讲这番话的人就是广州盛堂咨询公司总经理何小平先生,他有十年消费品销售管理、营销策划、全国市场营销经验,曾任伊利集团液态奶市场总监、

Hope in Countryside
Abstract:China is a state of agriculture with the great number of population, but she is a poor-dairy country. As an emerging industry, China dairy industry developed on the feeble base, which was called "infirm industry". Though it has obtained some achievement, per-capital possession was still in a low level. It is a concerning topic that how to develop the potential market in countryside with 0.93 billion population.
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