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中华有灵根 芦荟最可人——访原国家科委顾问、中国芦荟联系会谢绍明会长
引用本文:刘怡.中华有灵根 芦荟最可人——访原国家科委顾问、中国芦荟联系会谢绍明会长[J].中国食品工业,2001(9):12-14.
摘    要:<正> 人在红尘,身不由己,整日忙忙碌碌,都不知芦荟在身边“热”了几回?直到前几天,自家窗口前也摆上了一盆翠绿欲滴的中华芦荟,才从家人口中得悉这株绿色植物的诸多神奇佳话,从而引起了我对芦荟的极大兴趣。为此专访了原国家科委顾问、中国芦荟联系会谢绍明会长。(谢:谢绍明会长;记:记者) 历史悠久 绿色天然 记:芦荟有哪些经济价值? 谢:芦荟属百合科,是热带、干旱地区的多年生植物,怕冻,在0℃以下就会冻死,它含水量很大,占体积的98%以上。 芦荟的品种繁多,据统计,全球有400多种,大量集中在非洲;而我

关 键 词:中国芦荟联系会  谢绍明  会长  人物采访  开发情况  芦荟产业  发展前景

Aloe vera, the miracle plant in China
Abstract:Aloe vera, recognized as the miracle plant or the natural healer, has survived for over 3,000 years with its amazing medicinal function that benefits mankind. The thick clear gel found inside the leaves is a natural source of many nutrients including amino acids, minerals and micronutrients. In this sense, manufacturers in China should meet consumers' needs to strengthen their extraction technology and R&D on new aloe vera products.
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