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Optimality property of the Gaussian window spectrogram
Authors:Janssen   A.J.E.M.
Affiliation:Philips Res. Lab., Eindhoven;
Abstract:It is shown that for any signal x(t) the minimum of ∫-∞-∞ [(t-tx)2+(f-f x)2] Sx(w)(t , f) dt df over all normalized time-windows w(t) is achieved by the Gaussian window w(t)=21/4 exp (-πt2). Here (tx, f x) is the center of gravity of the signal x(t ), Sx(w) (t, f) is the spectrogram of x(t) due to the window w( t), and the double integral is a measure of the spread of S x(w) (t, f) around (t x, fX) in the time-frequency plane
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