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-admissibility of the right-shift semigroup on
Authors:Andrew Wynn  
Affiliation:aSt. John’s College, Oxford, OX1 3JP, United Kingdom
Abstract:It is shown that the right-shift semigroup on View the MathML source does not satisfy the weighted Weiss conjecture for αset membership, variant(0,1). In other words, α-admissibility of scalar valued observation operators cannot always be characterised by a simple resolvent growth condition. This result is in contrast to the unweighted case, where 0-admissibility can be characterised by a simple growth bound. The result is proved by providing a link between discrete and continuous α-admissibility and then translating a counterexample for the unilateral shift on View the MathML source to continuous time systems.
Keywords:Admissibility  color:black" href="/science?_ob=MathURL&_method=retrieve&_udi=B6V4X-4WMD2FB-2&_mathId=mml9&_user=10&_cdi=5770&_rdoc=9&_acct=C000053510&_version=1&_userid=1524097&md5=4f64c75288c680e4361b1513e7972825" title="Click to view the MathML source"  C0-semigroups" target="_blank">alt="Click to view the MathML source">C0-semigroups  Bergman spaces
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