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Performance of a room-temperature rotary magnetic refrigerator
Authors:Tetsuji Okamura   Kazuhiko Yamada   Naoki Hirano  Shigeo Nagaya

aDepartment of Energy Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 4259-G3-39 Nagatsuta-cho, Midori-ku, Yokohama 226-8502, Japan

bElectric Power Research & Development Center, Chubu Electric Power Co. Inc., 20-1 Azakitasekiyama, Oodaka-cho, Midori-ku, Nagoya 459-8522, Japan

Abstract:We have designed and operated a rotating-magnet type AMR (active magnetic regeneration) refrigerator that uses water as a heat transfer fluid. Four kinds of gadolinium-based alloy are used as magnetic materials. A magnetic field of 0.77 T is applied by neodymium permanent magnets. The refrigerator produces a maximum cooling power of 60 W around 10 °C. An optimal time for one cycle exists, and it depends on the water flow rate and the frequency of magnetization and demagnetization. Enhancement of the water flow rate and the frequency is known to be essential for increasing the cooling power of this refrigerator.
Keywords:Magnetic refrigerator   Design   Experiment   Working fluid   Alloy   Gadolinium   COP

Mots clés: Réfrigérateur magnétique   Conception   Expérimentation   Fluide actif   Alliage   Gadolinium   COP

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