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Computational geometry algorithms for the systolic screen
Authors:F. Dehne  A. -L. Hassenklover  J. -R. Sack  N. Santoro
Affiliation:1. Center for Parallel and Distributed Computing, School of Computer Science, Carleton University, K1S 5B6, Ottawa, Canada
2. Department 9X41 (Carling), Bell-Northern Research, Station “C,”, P.O. Box 3511, K1Y 4H7, Ottawa, Canada
Abstract:Adigitized plane Π of sizeM is a rectangular √M × √M array of integer lattice points called pixels. A √M × √M mesh-of-processors in which each processorP ij represents pixel (i,j) is a natural architecture to store and manipulate images in Π; such a parallel architecture is called asystolic screen. In this paper we consider a variety of computational-geometry problems on images in a digitized plane, and present optimal algorithms for solving these problems on a systolic screen. In particular, we presentO(√M)-time algorithms for determining all contours of an image; constructing all rectilinear convex hulls of an image (peeling); solving the parallel and perspective visibility problem forn disjoint digitized images; and constructing the Voronoi diagram ofn planar objects represented by disjoint images, for a large class of object types (e.g., points, line segments, circles, ellipses, and polygons of constant size) and distance functions (e.g., allL p metrics). These algorithms implyO(√M)-time solutions to a number of other geometric problems: e.g., rectangular visibility, separability, detection of pseudo-star-shapedness, and optical clustering. One of the proposed techniques also leads to a new parallel algorithm for determining all longest common subsequences of two words.
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