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Distribution of catecholamine containing nerve endings in the hypothalamus of the rhesus monkey
Authors:M Ishikawa  S Shimada  H Handa  C Tanaka
Abstract:Using the Falck-Hillarp method, the distribution of catecholamine nerve terminals in the rhesus monkey hypothalamus was studied. The distribution pattern was fundamentally similar to that in the rat, cat and human fetus; abundunt catecholamine varicosities (presumed noradrenaline nerve terminals) were observed in the dorsomedial nucleus, supraoptic nucleus, paraventricular nucleus, medial forebrain bundle, periventricular layer and internal layer of the infundibulum, while little were in the mamillary nucleus, ventromedial nucleus and anterior hypothalamic area. A band of diffuse green fluorescence (dopamine nerve terminals) was observed around the capillary loops in the external layer of the infundibulum. the discrepancy with the rat was noted in the abundunt noradrenaline nerve terminals in the suprachiasmatic nucleus and denser innervation of them in the arcuate nucleus and internal layer of the infundibulum. In addition to the noradrenaline nerve fibers from the peripheral sympathetic NA nerve, the noradrenaline nerve terminals of central origin closely approximated to the small intracerebral vessels.
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