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基于多阶权重组合和PROMETHEE Ⅱ的饮品包装评估模型
引用本文:郑峰. 基于多阶权重组合和PROMETHEE Ⅱ的饮品包装评估模型[J]. 包装工程, 2021, 42(19): 171-177. DOI: 10.19554/j.cnki.1001-3563.2021.19.023
作者单位:重庆三峡学院,重庆 404000
摘    要:目的 对多种可行的饮品包装方案进行评估,选择出最佳方案,从而满足消费者市场的多方位需求,促进饮品销售,提高饮品企业的市场占有率.方法 在价值工程驱动下构建饮品包装功能层次结构评估指标体系,通过模糊群决策法求解各饮品包装方案的指标值;使用多阶权重组合来融合赋权有效信息,采用PROMETHEEⅡ对多个饮品包装方案进行评估,以避免决策补偿性.结果 对各饮品包装方案的净流量排序,进行数据的分析与对比,4种饮品包装方案的优劣性排序为J2>J4>J1>J3,最优方案为易拉罐包装方案(J2).结论 通过某款果汁4种包装方案的评估案例,验证了文中所提饮品包装方案评估模型的有效性,表明该模型能够应用于饮品包装的综合评估与优选,可为饮品包装的设计提供支持.

关 键 词:饮品包装评估  模糊群决策  权重组合  PROMETHEE Ⅱ  价值工程驱动

Inspection of Express Plastic Packaging Bags by X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry Combined with Cluster Analysis
ZHENG Feng. Inspection of Express Plastic Packaging Bags by X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry Combined with Cluster Analysis[J]. Packaging Engineering, 2021, 42(19): 171-177. DOI: 10.19554/j.cnki.1001-3563.2021.19.023
Authors:ZHENG Feng
Affiliation:Chongqing Three Gorges University, Chongqing 404000, China
Abstract:For the courier plastic packaging bag evidence that often be extracted on the site, a method for rapid test analysis and sample classification was established. The inorganic elements in 41 samples of express plastic packaging bags from different express companies and different origins were analyzed by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. The samples were classified according to the element contents of different samples, and the clustering analysis was carried out by using the hierarchical clusterand K-MEANS clustering. The samples were effectively distinguished from each other based on the inorganic element contents and their ratios of major elements derived from the tests. The samples were successfully clustered into 4 categories by hierarchical cluster method. The clustering results were examined by the K-Mean algorithm, and their grouping results were basically consistent, indicating that the clustering effect of the method was good. Using X-ray fluorescence spectrometry combined with cluster analysis to examine 41 samples, the results showed that the characteristics of various types of samples were obvious, with a high degree of differentiation, and could be achieved for different companies, different sources of express plastic packaging bags to distinguish. The method in the paper provided a certain theoretical reference for dealing with such physical evidence in public security work.
Keywords:express plastic packaging bag   X-ray fluorescence spectrometry   cluster analysis   element
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