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摘    要:城市和乡村的划分以及城乡人口的统计是我国城镇化快速发展阶段的基础性工作。科学的城乡(人口)划分标准对于我国城镇化相关研究和政策制定具有重大意义,对于城市人口和用地发展规模预测、空间布局安排以及经济社会发展有非常重要的实践价值。一直以来统计部门都是以"城乡行政地域"和(或)"城乡实体地域"为基础来划分城乡(人口),并在此基础上对城乡划分标准进行不断的调整和改进。实际上城镇化本身的内涵非常广泛,除了空间上的城镇化转变,还包括人口的生活方式和生活环境的转变,这在城乡(人口)划分上应该给予重视,以顺应转型时期城镇化发展的诉求。考虑到我国城镇化发展的双重性特点,以及居委会和村委会在人口构成、职能、土地权属、行政关系和人口职业等方面的城乡差异特征,建议固化城乡(人口)划分标准,以"居委会和村委会所辖地域(常住人口)"作为划分依据,这样今后不需要频繁改动城乡划分口径,需要做的只是改进居委会的设置程序和标准,完善"村改居"相关的农村集体经济资产处置、农村优惠政策延续和村(居)民社会福利以及土地权属转变等相关政策和制度体系。新的简易城乡(人口)划分标准也有利于真实反映转型时期我国城镇化数量的提升和质量的改善。

关 键 词:城镇化  城镇化质量  城乡划分  城乡人口

A Discussion on the Definition of Urban/rural Population in the Chinese Urbanization Process
ZHANG Li.A Discussion on the Definition of Urban/rural Population in the Chinese Urbanization Process[J].Urban Planning Forum,2011(2):77-85.
Authors:ZHANG Li
Abstract:The definition of urban/rural population is an important research area pertinent to China’s urbanization.The definition has a direct impact on policy -making,including urban and rual land-use planning and socioeconomic development. Existing practices are based on administrative classification and(or) physical presence of the population. However,in addition to spatial parameters, living styles and living environments also constitute important denomenators of urbanization.This paper proposes the definition of urban/rural population in terms of grassroots governance institutions:urban residents’ committees or rural villagers’ committees.The government needs to continue the favorable policies for the villagers(residents) and to better the institutions for managing collective properties,land-use rights and social welfare.
Keywords:urbanization  quality in urbanization  urban-rural division  urban and rural population
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