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引用本文:管小清,陈渌漪. 最小二乘支向量机在焊缝跟踪中的应用[J]. 现代制造工程, 2011, 0(9)
作者姓名:管小清  陈渌漪
摘    要:
为了克服传统焊缝跟踪方法精度低等问题,采用最小二乘支持向量回归机( LSSVM)进行焊缝跟踪.最小二乘支持向量机通过构造回归函数解决焊缝跟踪问题.与支持向量机不同的是,最小二乘支持向量机通过构造一个新二次损失函数,将支持向量回归机的二次规划问题转变为求解线性方程,从而改进了原支持向量机的跟踪精度.为验证所设计控制器的有效性,进行了焊缝的跟踪实验,并设计了实验条件;实验结果表明基于LSSVM的焊缝跟踪误差小于径向基(RBF)神经网络,可见采用LSSVM的控制更能够适应实际焊接过程的变化.

关 键 词:焊缝跟踪  最小二乘支持向量机  跟踪模型  控制结构

Application of least squares support vector machine in weld tracker
GUAN Xiao-qing,CHEN Lu-yi. Application of least squares support vector machine in weld tracker[J]. Modern Manufacturing Engineering, 2011, 0(9)
Authors:GUAN Xiao-qing  CHEN Lu-yi
Affiliation:GUAN Xiao-qing,CHEN Lu-yi(Beijing Vocational College of Electronic Science,Beijing 100026,China)
In order to solve the problem of low forecasting accuracy of traditional weld tracker methods,Least Squares Support Vector Machine(LSSVM)is applied to weld tracker.Firstly,the principle of weld tracker based on LSSVM is presented,where least squares support vector machine can solve the convex quadratic programming problem existing in support vector machine by constructing the new quadratic loss function.In order to testify the effectiveness of the proposed controller,the experiment on weld tracker is perfor...
Keywords:weld tracker  Least Squares Support Vector Machine(LSSVM)  tracker model  control structure  
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