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European Minor Constituent Radiometer: A New Millimeter Wave Receiver for Atmospheric Research
Authors:D. Maier  N. Kämpfer  J. de la Noë  W. Amacher  A. Barcia  P. Baron  B. Barry  G. Beaudin  J. Cernicharo  B. Ellison  J.-D. Gallego  M. Gustafsson  A. Karpov  U. Klein  K. Künzi  J. Louhi  J. Mallat  D. Matheson  J.-R. Pardo  R. Peter  A.V. Räisänen  P. Ricaud  R. Siddans  C. Viguerie  M. Wüthrich
Affiliation:1. Institute of Applied Physics, University of Berne, Berne, Switzerland
2. Observatoire de Bordeaux, Floirac, France
3. Centro Astronómico de Yebes, Guadalajara, Spain
4. Institute of Environmental Physics and Remote Sensing, University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany
5. Observatoire de Paris, Paris, France
6. Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, UK
7. Helsinki University of Technology, Helsinki, Finland
8. Institut de Radio Astronomie Millimétrique, Saint Martin d'Hères, France
Abstract:EMCOR is a heterodyne receiver for the frequency range of 201 to 210 GHz. It has been designed for ground-based measurements of various minor constituents of the stratosphere involved in ozone chemistry. Since the aim was the detection of faint spectral lines, a superconducting tunnel junction has been chosen as mixer element and special care has been taken in developing the calibration unit of the system. The front-end is completed by a quasi-optical system, a solid state local oscillator with electronic tuning and a HEMT pre-amplifier. In the back-end an acousto-optical spectrometer is employed to analyse the signal. A PC controls the whole system. The instrument has been installed at a high mountain site in the Swiss Alps.
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