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A Cysteine-Rich Protein,SpDIR1L,Implicated in S-RNase-Independent Pollen Rejection in the Tomato (Solanum Section Lycopersicon) Clade
Authors:Juan Vicente Muñ  oz-Sanz,Alejandro Tovar-Mé  ndez,Lu Lu,Ru Dai,Bruce McClure
Abstract:Tomato clade species (Solanum sect. Lycopersicon) display multiple interspecific reproductive barriers (IRBs). Some IRBs conform to the SI x SC rule, which describes unilateral incompatibility (UI) where pollen from SC species is rejected on SI species’ pistils, but reciprocal pollinations are successful. However, SC x SC UI also exists, offering opportunities to identify factors that contribute to S-RNase-independent IRBs. For instance, SC Solanum pennellii LA0716 pistils only permit SC Solanum lycopersicum pollen tubes to penetrate to the top third of the pistil, while S. pennellii pollen penetrates to S. lycopersicum ovaries. We identified candidate S. pennellii LA0716 pistil barrier genes based on expression profiles and published results. CRISPR/Cas9 mutants were created in eight candidate genes, and mutants were assessed for changes in S. lycopersicum pollen tube growth. Mutants in a gene designated Defective in Induced Resistance 1-like (SpDIR1L), which encodes a small cysteine-rich protein, permitted S. lycopersicum pollen tubes to grow to the bottom third of the style. We show that SpDIR1L protein accumulation correlates with IRB strength and that species with weak or no IRBs toward S. lycopersicum pollen share a 150 bp deletion in the upstream region of SpDIR1L. These results suggest that SpDIR1L contributes to an S-RNase-independent IRB.
Keywords:interspecific reproductive barriers   unilateral incompatibility   stylar factor   DIR1-like   Solanum pennellii   Solanum lycopersicum
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