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引用本文:何诚,舒立福,刘柯珍,周生瑞. 广西地区山火引起高压线路跳闸环境特征研究[J]. 消防科学与技术, 2020, 39(12): 1626-1629
作者姓名:何诚  舒立福  刘柯珍  周生瑞
作者单位:1. 南京森林警察学院,江苏南京210023;2. 中国林业科学研究院森林生态环境与保护研究所国家林业局森林保护学重点开放实验室,北京100091;3. 应急管理部北方航空护林总站,黑龙江哈尔滨150027
摘    要:针对2006-2010年广西电网超高压输电公司统计的线路遭遇山火状况,研究山火引起线路跳闸的环境特征,包括地形因素、可燃物状况以及山火行为特征,提出应对的控制和防治措施。并以广西地区为研究对象,获取研究区内气象站地面气象资料月值数据,包括平均气温、降水量、最小相对湿度以及1999-2004 年的森林火灾数据,分析气候因素对山火发生的影响。结果表明:广西森林火灾主要发生在冬季和春季,分别占总次数的37.4%和37.0%,夏季很少发生火灾;冬季发生火灾的过火面积所占比例最高,占46.8%,其次为春季,占33.7%;其中,百色市、柳州市、梧州市发生火灾较多,山火造成线路跳闸率分别为9.2%、125.0%、4.7%。山火引发跳闸地点可燃物类型主要为杂树、杂草、松树和杉树,树木树龄多为3-21 年(3 年以上居多),胸径2~45cm(10cm 以上居多),树高2.0~23.0 m(5.0~10.0 m 居多),跳闸地点均出现在阳坡,坡度为16°~80°,其中<30°的缓坡和30°~60°的斜坡出现次数最多,分别占56%和36%;引起高压线路跳闸最主要的火灾类型是快速、中度地表火以及稳进树冠火,蔓延速度在2.1 m/min 以上,火焰高度在1.5 m 以上,火强度在750 W/m2 以上,建议根据山火发生的特殊性,加强山火高发地区的早期预警、火灾监测和可燃物管理等防控措施,减少山火引起输电线路跳闸,保障居民正常生活和社会稳定。

关 键 词:山火  输电线路  环境特征  防控措施  

Study on environmental characteristics of high voltage line trip caused by mountain fire in Guangxi region
HE Cheng,SHU Li-fu,LIU Ke-zhen,ZHOU Sheng-rui. Study on environmental characteristics of high voltage line trip caused by mountain fire in Guangxi region[J]. Fire Science and Technology, 2020, 39(12): 1626-1629
Authors:HE Cheng  SHU Li-fu  LIU Ke-zhen  ZHOU Sheng-rui
Affiliation:1.Nanjing Forest Police College, Jiangsu Nanjing 210023,China; 2. State ForestryAdministration's Key Open Laboratory of Forest Protection, Research Instituteof Forest Ecology, Environment and Protection Chinese Academy of Forestry,Beijing 100091, China; 3. Northern Genaral Aviation Forest Protection stationof MEM, Heilongjiang Harbin 150027, China
Abstract:Conducted a numberof analyses on the statistical data from the Transmission Departments of ChinaSouthern Power Grid in 2006-2010 years, to verify the environmental distinctionin which some transmission lines could be tripped by the wildfires,for example,landform, combustible, fire spread, so that we can make a better control andprevention. In this study, taking Guangxi province as an object, the effect onwildfires from climates was demonstrated by the monthly conventionalmeteorological data in the areas, where average temperature, precipitation, minimumrelative humidity and forest fires between 1999 and 2004 would be covered. Theresults showed that the forest fires in Guangxi Province mainly occurred inwinter and spring,which accounted for 37.4% and 37.0%, respectively. Few firesoccurredin summer; The proporion of burned area was the highest,accounting for 46.8%,followed by spring, accounting for 33.7% . More fires were recorded in Baise,Liuzhou and Wuzhou,where the transmission line trips caused by wildfires were 9.2%,12.5% and 4.7%, respectively, and where the vegetation type mostly occurring inthe weeds, pine and fir trees with DBH of 0.02~0.45 m (mostly were over 0.1m)and height of 2.0~23.0 m (mostly were 5.0~10.0 m), that were ranged from 3years to 21 years old. The power trips places were on sunny slopes with agradient of 16°~80°, of which in the mild slope of <30° and in the steepslope bewteen 30°~60° occurred 56% and 36%, respectively.The fire stylescausing trips were those surface fires and crown fires, with spread speed ofover 2.1 m/min, flame height of over 1.5 m, and fire intensity of over 750 W/m2. As the results indicate,it is suggested that the areas prone to fire should be early warned, monitoredand managed to prevent power cuts and people security from the wildfires. Itcan provide scientific and theoretical criteria and practical assessment methodfor establishing relevant exploitation scheme and efficient fire prevention measures.
Keywords:wildfire   transmission line trip   environmental distinction  control efforts  
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