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Determination of horizontal permeability from the elliptical flow of horizontal wells using conventional analysis
Authors:Freddy H. Escobar  Matilde Montealegre-M.  
Affiliation:aUniversidad Surcolombiana, Av. Pastrana — Cra. 1, Neiva (Huila-Colombia), Colombia
Abstract:Besides the regular four flow regimes normally seen during a pressure test of horizontal wells, it is possible, under special circumstances, to observe such additional flow regimes as spherical, hemi-radial, linear (reservoir channel) and elliptical. The last flow regime is characterized by a slope of 0.36 of the pressure derivative curve and occurs between the early linear flow and the pseudo-radial flow periods. This may have been overlooked in horizontal well test analysis, because it is often masked by the other flow regimes, unless the conditions are just right.The elliptical flow regime has been previously mentioned by very few researchers, Issaka et al. [Issaka, M.B., Zaoral, K., Ambastha, A.K. and Mattar, L., 2000: “Determination of Horizontal Permeability Anisotropy from Horizontal Well Tests,” SPE Saudi Arabia Section Technical Symposium, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, 21–23 October.], Chacon et al. [Chacon, A., Djebrouni, A. and Tiab, D., 2004. “Determining the Average Reservoir Pressure from Vertical and Horizontal Well Test Analysis Using Tiab's Direct Synthesis Technique”. SPE 88619, Proceedings, SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conf. & Exhibition, Perth, Australia, 18–20 October.] and Escobar et al. [Escobar, F.H., Munoz, O.F., and Sepulveda, J.A., 2004. “Horizontal Permeability Determination from the Elliptical Flow Regime for Horizontal Wells”. CT&F — Ciencia, Tecnología y Futuro. Vol. 2 Num. 5. p. 83–95. Dec.]. A methodology for its characterization has been also introduced using the pressure derivative concept and TDS technique [Escobar, F.H., Munoz, O.F., and Sepulveda, J.A., 2004. “Horizontal Permeability Determination from the Elliptical Flow Regime for Horizontal Wells”. CT&F — Ciencia, Tecnología y Futuro. Vol. 2 Num. 5. p. 83–95. Dec.]. However, conventional analysis for the characterization of this has not yet been reported in the literature. This flow regime is very useful to estimate the horizontal permeability, especially, when the pseudo-radial flow is very short or unclear, or simply, when it is desired to verify that estimation.In this paper, equations for the estimation of the horizontal permeability and elliptical skin factor are developed for both gas and oil horizontal wells, so that the mentioned parameters can be estimated, respectively, from the slope and intercept of linear plot of pressure versus time to the power 0.36. The equations were successfully tested with two field examples previously worked in the literature.
Keywords:horizontal anisotropy   flow regimes   radial flow   linear flow   skin factor
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