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Expected runtimes of evolutionary algorithms for the Eulerian cycle problem
Authors:Frank Neumann
Affiliation:Department 1: Algorithms and Complexity, Max-Planck-Insitut für Informatik, 66123 Saarbrücken, Germany
Abstract:Evolutionary algorithms are randomized search heuristics, which are applied to problems whose structure is not well understood, as well as to problems in combinatorial optimization. They have successfully been applied to different kinds of arc routing problems. To start the analysis of evolutionary algorithms with respect to the expected optimization time on these problems, we consider the Eulerian cycle problem. We show that a variant of the well-known (1+1)(1+1) EA working on the important encoding of permutations is able to find an Eulerian tour of an Eulerian graph in expected polynomial time. Altering the operator used for mutation in the considered algorithm, the expected optimization time changes from polynomial to exponential.
Keywords:Evolutionary computations   Combinatorial optimization   Eulerian cycles   Expected optimization time
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