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History-dependent sorption in humic acids and a lignite in the context of a polymer model for natural organic matter
Authors:Lu Yuefeng  Pignatello Joseph J
Affiliation:Department of Soil and Water, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, New Haven, Connecticut 06504-1106, USA.
Abstract:We examined sorption of two apolar compounds in three samples of macromolecular natural organic matter (NOM) in order to test whether history-dependent ("irreversible") behaviors, including sorption hysteresis and the conditioning effect, agree with a pore deformation/creation hypothesis applicable to the glassy organic solid state as proposed in the polymer literature. The compounds are 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene (TCB) and naphthalene (Naph). The NOM samples are a soil humic acid (H-HA), an Al3+-exchanged form of the same humic acid (Al-HA), and a low-rank coal (Beulah-Zap lignite, BZL). The HAs, at least, are believed free of environmental black carbon. The degree of nonlinearity in the isotherm and the ratio of hole-filling to solid-phase dissolution increased in the order of hardness (stiffness) of the solid: H-HA < Al-HA < BZL. Independent of solid, solutes show a 14-18 kJ/mol preference for hole "sites" as compared to dissolution "sites", which we attribute to the free energy needed in the dissolution domain to create a cavity to accommodate the solute. All solids exhibited hysteresis and the conditioning effect, which refers to enhanced re-sorption after pretreatment with a conditioning agent (in this case, chlorobenzene). Conditioning the sample results in increased sorption and increased contribution of hole-filling relative to dissolution. The effects of original hole population, matrix stiffness, and solute concentration on the hysteresis index and on the magnitude of the conditioning effect are consistent with a pore-deformation mechanism as the underlying cause of sorption irreversibility. This mechanism involves concurrent processes of irreversible hole expansion and the creation of new holes by the incoming sorbate (or conditioning agent). The results show that nonlinear and irreversible behavior may be expected for macromolecular forms of NOM that are in a glassy state and emphasize the case that NOM is not a passive sorbent but may be physically altered by the sorbate.
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