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Synaptic plasticity based model for epileptic seizures
Authors:Mazen Alamir  James. S. Welsh  Graham. C. Goodwin[Author vitae]
Affiliation:aCNRS, Gipsa-lab, Control Systems Department, University of Grenoble, BP 46, Domaine Universitaire, 38400 Saint Martin d’Hères, France;bSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Center for Complex Dynamic Systems & Control, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW 2308, Australia
Abstract:In this paper, a new dynamic model describing the epileptic seizure initiation through transition from interictal to ictal state in a brain predisposed to epilepsy is suggested. The model follows Freeman’s approach where the brain is viewed as a network of interconnected oscillators. The proposed nonlinear model is experimentally motivated and relies on changes in synaptic strength in response to excitatory spikes. This model exhibits a threshold beyond which a bifurcation toward a short-term plasticity state occurs leading to seizure onset. A resulting explanatory assumption is that when considering epilepsy, brain regions are characterized by abnormally low thresholds toward short-term synaptic plasticity. It is shown by simulation that the proposed model enables some experimentally observed qualitative features to be reproduced. Moreover, a preliminary discussion on the impact of the underlying assumptions on the fundamental issue of seizure control is proposed through an EEG based feedback control scheme.
Keywords:Oscillator network   Dynamic modeling   Synaptic strength   Synchronization   Epileptic seisures
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