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Long-term strategies for an efficient use of domestic biomass resources in Austria
Authors:Gerald Kalt  Lukas Kranzl  Reinhard Haas
Affiliation:Vienna University of Technology, Energy Economics Group, Gusshausstrasse 25-29/373-2, 1040 Vienna, Austria
Abstract:In this study, long-term perspectives for the Austrian bioenergy sector are analyzed. The focus is on the achievable contribution of biomass to the heat, electricity and transport fuel supply as well as to the total primary energy supply under different framework conditions. Also, the achievable GHG mitigation and the costs related to GHG reduction are assessed.The analyses are based on scenarios which are compiled with the simulation model Green-XBio-Austria. Within this model a myopic optimization of the bioenergy sector with regard to energy generation costs up to 2050 in eleven scenarios is carried out. The scenarios differ in the following aspects: the projections for fuel price development and for the energy demand as well as bioenergy policy measures assumed.The major conclusions are: With respect to greenhouse gas emission reduction and economic efficiency, the simulations make clear that bioenergy policies should focus on the promotion of heat an – to some extent – combined heat and power generation. A focus on liquid biofuels for transport has adverse effects on the development of the bioenergy sector due to increased competition for limited biomass resources. For significantly increasing the share of biomass in the Austrian energy supply, it is crucial to both subsidize bioenergy and reduce the overall energy consumption. In the case of highly increasing fossil fuel prices, the economics of bioenergy systems will improve significantly.
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