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引用本文:张喜红,王玉香. 基于FFT照明线路探测的研究及STM32实现[J]. 湖南工业大学学报, 2017, 31(3): 53-57
作者姓名:张喜红  王玉香
作者单位:亳州职业技术学院 电子与电气工程系,亳州职业技术学院 电子与电气工程系
基金项目:安徽省教育厅教学研究基金资助重点项目(2015jyxm535),亳州职业技术学院教学研究基金资助项目     (2015bzjyxm01)
摘    要:为了实现对不同负载类型照明暗线的探测,减少盲目施工的触电隐患,设计了一款照明线路探测仪。该探测仪基于电磁感应原理,以巨磁电阻为基本探测元件,设计合理地放大、滤波电路采集拾取信号,以STM32为运算处理单元,对采集的信号执行FFT变换,并通过频谱分析实现不同负载类型照明暗线区分。经多次整体实验测试,所得结果均证实所设计的照明线路探测仪能在3~4 cm的间距内准确地实现有无通电线路及线路负载为白炽灯还是节能灯的区分。

关 键 词:FFT变换;巨磁电阻;照明线路

A Research on Light Circuit Detectors Based on FFT and STM32
ZHANG Xihong and WANG Yuxiang. A Research on Light Circuit Detectors Based on FFT and STM32[J]. Journal of Hnnnan University of Technology, 2017, 31(3): 53-57
Authors:ZHANG Xihong and WANG Yuxiang
Abstract:A lighting circuit detector has been designed, with an aim to detect different load types of lighting wiring, and reduce the potential risk of electric shock accidents from random construction. The detector, based on the principle of electromagnetic induction, incorporates the giant magneto-resistance as the basic detection device, and improves the circuit of amplifier and filter to realize the collection of the signal. With STM32 its processing units, the detector has undergone an FFT transformation for the collection of signals, followed by a spectrum analysis to realize lighting wiring between different load types. After repeated experiments, the obtained results show that the designed circuit can make a distinction between the efficient light-bulbs and the filament lamps within the scope of 3~4 cm and identify the presence or absence of the circuit load.
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