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Update on Fe-dependent oxidative metabolism in vivo: An integrative view
Authors:Natacha E PILONI  Elizabeth ROBELLO  Julián G BONETTO  Susana PUNTARULO
Affiliation:Instituto de Bioquímica y Medicina Molecular (IBIMOL)-Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), CONICET, Fisicoquímica, Facultad de Farmaciay Bioquímica, Junín 956 (C1113AAD), Buenos Aires. Argentina.
Abstract:Fe is essential for human life because it constitutes the required cofactor for proteins of diverse biologicalfunctions. However, the development of oxidative stress by exposure to excessive Fe, share signaling pathways withother treatments including activation of redox-sensitive factors. This study was focused on the comparison on theeffects of Fe in the brain and other organs in vivo. The oxidative effects triggered by Fe overload strongly dependnot only on the administration protocol, but also on the Fe-compound used, and the studied organ. In both the liverand the brain, Fe content drastically increased after Fe-dextran administration. However, the comparatively lowlipid peroxidation in the brain as compared to the liver, suggested that Fe-dependent oxidative stress might involvemechanisms of different nature. In the brain, acute and subchronic administration of Fe-dextran triggered signalingprocesses that lead to the prevention of injury by the participation of catalase activity as an antioxidant protection.This brief summary opens a huge range of possible points of risk, as well as opportunities, to encounter situationsin which the appropriate election of the Fe management protocol could be able of allow oxidative stress to exertbeneficial effects.
Keywords:experimental models   Fe-overload   oxidative stress
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