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T BM 开挖隧洞管片衬砌结构三维有限元分析及配筋计算
引用本文:王小军. T BM 开挖隧洞管片衬砌结构三维有限元分析及配筋计算[J]. 南水北调与水利科技(中英文), 2015, 13(3): 606-608
作者单位:( 水利部新疆维吾尔自治区水利水电勘测设计研究院, 乌鲁木齐830000)
摘    要:研究在高内水压力下,TBM开挖隧洞中管片衬砌能否承担内水压力作用且结构强度满足设计要求的问题,主要针对管片衬砌结构接缝对衬砌整体应力的影响。以某水电站长距离引水隧洞为例,采用有限元法建立三维模型,计算发现在内水压力作用下,管片分块衬砌受力规律不同于常规现浇混凝土衬砌,管片之间螺栓连接受力集中,接缝处产生了应力释放,使得管片其他部位应力降低,而且配筋量较同水头下整体现浇混凝土配筋量大大减少。

关 键 词:引水隧洞  管片衬砌  弹塑性模型  有限元

Three2dimensional finite element analysis and reinforcement calculation ofsegment l ining structure of TBM excavation tunnel
WANG Xiaojun. Three2dimensional finite element analysis and reinforcement calculation ofsegment l ining structure of TBM excavation tunnel[J]. South-to-North Water Transfers and Water Science & Technology, 2015, 13(3): 606-608
Authors:WANG Xiaojun
Affiliation:(X inj iang Scientif ic Resear ch I nstitute of Water Resour ces and H y dr op ow er , Ur umqi 830000, China)
Abstract:In this paper, the pr oblems w hether the segment lining of TBM ex cavation tunnel can sustain the internal pressur e andst ructur e st reng th can meet the desig n requirements under high int ernal water pressure w ere investig ated, and t he effects of seg2ment lining structure jo int on the over all stress of lining w ere analy zed. , Finite element method was used to dev elo p the thr ee2dimensional model o f a lo ng2dist ance tunnel at a hy dr opow er st ation. T he results showed that under the internal water pressure,the str ess o f block segment lining is different fr om that o f conventio nal cast2concrete lining, str ess is concent rated at the bo ltco nnection of segment, stress r eleases at t he seam to cause t he decreasing str ess in ot her parts of segment, and the reinfo rcementco ncr ete volume is g reat ly reduced com par ed w ith that of the ov erall cast2in2place co ncr et e.
Keywords:div ersio n tunnel   lining   elasto2plastic mo del   finite element
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