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引用本文:赖军,张梦莹,张华,李俊. 消防服衣下空气层的作用与测定方法研究进展[J]. 纺织学报, 2017, 38(6). DOI: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20160500106
作者姓名:赖军  张梦莹  张华  李俊
作者单位:1. 中央军委后勤保障部军需装备研究所,北京,100010;2. 东华大学 服装与艺术设计学院,上海,200051;3. 东华大学 服装与艺术设计学院,上海 200051;东华大学 现代服装设计与技术教育部重点实验室,上海 200051
摘    要:为探究消防服衣下空气层对消防服热防护性能的影响,从衣下空气层的厚度与位置、影响因素以及测量方法 3个方面综述了消防服衣下空气层研究的发展过程及最新进展,分析了现有研究中存在的问题。研究表明:衣下空气层的厚度和位置影响衣下热传递机制,从而影响消防服的热防护性能;织物的硬挺度和悬垂性、服装的合体度以及人体动作影响消防服衣下空气层的分布;目前主要使用三维人体扫描技术获取燃烧假人裸体及着装状态下的三维图像,使用图像处理软件计算衣下空气层厚度。基于当前消防服衣下空气层的研究现状认为,未来研究需深入分析衣下空气层的作用机制,建立多层消防服衣下空气层的测量方法,提高衣下空气层的测量精度。

关 键 词:消防服  衣下空气层  热防护性能  三维人体扫描

Research progress on air gap entrapped in firefighters'protective clothing and its measurement methods
LAI Jun,ZHANG Mengying,ZHANG Hua,LI Jun. Research progress on air gap entrapped in firefighters'protective clothing and its measurement methods[J]. Journal of Textile Research, 2017, 38(6). DOI: 10.13475/j.fzxb.20160500106
Authors:LAI Jun  ZHANG Mengying  ZHANG Hua  LI Jun
Abstract:In order to study the influence of the air gap in firefighters' protective clothing on thermal protective performance, the development progress, the latest developments and the existing problems of the research were reviewed from three aspects, including the thickness and location, the influence factors and the measurement methods of air gap in firefighters' clothing. The future trends in this area were predicted based on current research status. The thermal protective performance of firefighters' protective clothing are influenced by the thickness and position of air gap entrapped in firefighter clothing, which is mainly influenced by fabric mechanical properties, clothing fitness and body motion. Currently, the three?dimensional body scanning technology is widely used for measuring the distribution of air gap in firefighters'protective clothing. Future research should pay more attention to the mechanism analysis and the development of measurement methods of air gap in firefighters'clothing.
Keywords:firefighters'protective clothing  air gap in clothing  thermal protective performance  three?dimensional body scanning technology
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