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Oberflächen‐ und Dünnschichtanalytik – unverzichtbares Werkzeug für Schichtentwicklung und ‐produktion
Authors:V. Rupertus
Abstract:Surface and thin film analysis – indispensable tool for coating development and ‐production Development and production of thin films for functional coating on special materials is unalterable combined with a permanent quality control and therefore use of sophisticated analysis and measurement techniques. The field of interest is belonging to all steps of the production chain, starting with the characterization of the substrate surface (e. g. glass, plastics), followed by polishing and cleaning processes up to depth profiling of complex multilayers. The typical analyses are focused onto topographical and chemical features and their influence onto the product functionality. The use of surface and thin film analytics for problem oriented characterization is demonstrated by a few examples, which deal with surface roughness, contamination, impurities and dopand profiles as well as composition variations in the surface near region.
Keywords:Oberflä  chenanalytik  Qualitä  tskontrolle  Prozesscharakterisierung  surface analysis  quality control  process characterization
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