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Authors:Piotr P. LEWICKI  Anna ŁUKASZUK
Affiliation:Department of Food Engineering , Warsaw Agricultural University (SGGW) , 02– 787Warsaw, ul. Nowoursynowska 166, Poland Fax: E-mail: LEWICKl@sggw.waw.pl

The aim of this work was to investigate rheological properties of apple cubes undergoing convective drying. Compression-relaxation test was used to follow changes of properties under investigation.

Raw apple appeared to be very heterogeneous material from the rheological point of view. The relationship between stress and strain was concave downwards and the concavity increased until water content of 2·5 g/g d.m. was reached. Then the relationship begun to straighten and for dry material developed stress was linearly dependent on strain. The resistance of deformation decreased with decreasing water content. Analysis of relaxation showed that the rate of relaxation increased with decreasing water content and the unrelaxed stress was smaller the lower was the water content.

Apple cubes undergoing drying are pictured as material composed of three compartments with different rheological properties. The outer layer is dry, inelastic and difficult to deform. Underneath is moist material with no turgor and relatively easy to compress, and the core with properties of raw apples. During drying the second layer grows in expense of the core and porous structure with many voids filled with air is formed. Share of each compartment in the volume of apple cube undergoing drying affects average rheological properties of the material.
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