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Molecular recognition of the Lewis Y antigen by monoclonal antibodies
Authors:Blaszczyk-Thurin, Magdalena   Murali, Ramachandran   Westerink, M.A.Julie   Steplewski, Zenon   Co, Man Sung   Kieber-Emmons, Thomas
Affiliation:1The Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology, University of Pennsylvania 36th and Hamilton Walk, Philadelphia, PA 19104–6082, USA 2Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Pennsylvania 36th and Hamilton Walk, Philadelphia, PA 19104–6082, USA 3Deparment of Medicine, Medical College of Ohio at Toledo Inc., USA 4Department of Medicine, Thomas Jefferson University Inc., USA 5Protein Design Labs Inc., USA
Abstract:The murine monoclonal antibody BR55-2 is directed against thetumor-associated antigen Lewis Y oligosaccharide. The LewisY core antigen is a difucosylated structure consisting of fourhexose units. Analysis of binding profiles of lactoseries isomericstructures by BR55–2 suggest that the binding epitopeincludes the OH-4 and OH-3 groups of the ß-D-galactoseunit, the 6-CH3 groups of the two fucose units and the N-acetylgroup of the subterminal ß-D-N-acetylglucosamine (ßDGlcNAc).To elucidate the molecular recognition properties of BR55–2for the Y antigen, BR55–2 was cloned, sequenced and itsthree-dimensional structure was examined by molecular modeling.The crystal structure of BR96, another anti-Lewis Y antibody,solved in complex with a nonoate methyl ester Lewis Y tetrasaccharide,and the lectin IV protein in complex with a Lewis b tetrasaccharidecore were used as a guide to probe the molecular basis for BR55–2antigen recognition and specificity. Our modeling study showsthat BR55–2 shares similar recognition features for thedifucosylated type 2 lactoseries Lewis Y structure observedin the BR96-sugar complex. We observe that a major source ofspecificity for the Lewis Y structure by anti-Y antibodies emanatesfrom interaction with the ß-D-N-acetylglucosamineresidue and the nature of the structures extended at the reducingsite of the fucosylated lactosoamine.
Keywords:anti-carbohydrate antibodies/  carbohydrate antigens/  Lewis antigens/  Lewis Y/  molecular modeling
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