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Effectiveness of sodium and conductivity kinetic models in predicting end-dialysis plasma water sodium concentration: preliminary results of a single-center experience
Authors:Pozzoni Pietro  DI Filippo Salvatore  Pontoriero Giuseppe  Locatelli Francesco
Affiliation:Department of Nephrology and Dialysis, A. Manzoni Hospital, University of Milano-Bicocca, Lecco, Italy.
Abstract:The attainment of a neutral sodium balance represents a major objective in hemodialysis patients. It requires that at the end of each dialysis session, total body water volume (V(f)) and total plasma water sodium concentration (Na(pwf)) are constant. Whereas to achieve a constant V(f) it is sufficient that ultrafiltration equals the interdialytic increase in body weight, it is impossible to predict the value of Na(pwf) and calculate the dialysate sodium concentration needed to obtain it without making use of kinetic mathematical models. The effectiveness of both sodium and conductivity kinetic models in predicting Na(pwf) has already been validated in previous clinical studies. However, applying the sodium kinetic model appears to be poorly feasible in the everyday clinical practice, due to the need for blood samples at the start of each dialysis session for the determination of predialysis plasma water sodium concentration. The conductivity kinetic model appears to be more easily applicable, because no blood samples or laboratory tests are needed to determine plasma water conductivity (C(pw)) and ionic dialysance (ID), used in place of plasma water sodium concentration and sodium dialysance, respectively. We applied the 2 models in 69 chronic hemodialysis patients using the Diascan Module for the automatic determination of C(pw) and ID, and using the latter as an estimate of sodium dialysance in the sodium kinetic model. The conductivity kinetic model was shown to be more accurate and precise in predicting Na(pwf) as compared with the sodium kinetic model. Both accuracy and imprecision of the 2 models were not significantly affected by the method used to estimate total body water volume. These findings confirm the conductivity kinetic model as being an effective and easily applicable instrument for the achievement of a neutral sodium balance in chronic hemodialysis patients.
Keywords:Hemodialysis  sodium  conductivity  kinetic models  ionic dialysance
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