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Magnetic resonance evaluation of autonomous thyroid nodules treated by percutaneous ethanol injection
Authors:Francesco Sardanelli  Giorgia D. Giordano  Enrico Melani  Roberto C. Parodi  Massimo Giusti  Giacomo Garlaschi
Affiliation:(1) Department of Endocrinology, University of Genova, Italy;(2) Department of Radiology, University of Genova, San Martino Hospital, Largo R. Benzi, 10, 16132 Genova, Italy
Abstract:Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging was used to evaluate the effect of ultrasound-guided percutaneous ethanol injection (PEI) of autonomous thyroid nodules (ATNs). Nine patients affected with ATN (3.7–32.2 mL volume) underwent PEI (4–19 mL ethanol, subdivided in 3–6 weekly procedures). MR imaging (1.5 T) was performed before each alcoholization and 1 month after the last PEI procedure with the following parameters:T 1-(550/12) andT 2-weighted (2200/160) spin-echo images; 4-mm slices, 10% gap; coronal planes. A further seven patients with normal thyroid function, who had undergone PEI 6–18 months before, underwent an MR examination with the same parameters. The signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of ATN and extranodular gland, as well as ATN volume, were evaluated on theT 2-weighted images. OnT 1-weighted images, ATNs appeared mostly hypointense before treatment, with hyperintense areas during treatment, and were lightly hyperintense 6–18 months after treatment. S/N onT 2-weighted images: extranodular gland 3.5–9.2; ATNs, before treatment 13.2–19.7, before the last procedure 7.7–11.6, 1 month after the last procedure 5.6–10.9; previously treated ATNs, 4.3–8.2. No significant volume reduction was observed with MR 1 month after the last procedure. The MR examination time was about 15 minutes. In conclusion, the effect of PEI on ATNs can be evaluated with an MR examination that is not very time consuming.
Keywords:percutaneous ethanol injection  thyroid nodules  thyroid  autonomous nodules  hyperthyroidism  magnetic resonance
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