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引用本文:肖 洋,王 磊,张涛涛,冯 雯. 不透水表面坡度对溶解态污染物传输过程的影响研究[J]. 南水北调与水利科技(中英文), 2018, 16(6): 74-79
作者姓名:肖 洋  王 磊  张涛涛  冯 雯
作者单位:( 1. 河海大学 水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室, 南京 210098; 2. 河海大学 水利水电学院, 南京 210098)
基金项目:国家重点研发计划( 2016YFC0402605) ; 国家自然科学基金项目( 51239003; 41323001) ; 江苏省第五期/ 333 工程0培养资金资助项 目( BRA2017371)
摘    要:溶解态污染物是城市降雨径流污染的一个重要组成部分,揭示其在降雨径流阶段的传输过程对于城市污水治理具有重要意义。采用人工模拟降雨实验研究了不透水表面不同坡度(0.5°、1°、2°、3°、4°、5°)情况下降雨径流及溶解态污染物传输过程。结果表明:坡度越大,坡面产汇流时间越短,径流量越快达到稳定;污染物浓度随降雨径流深度增加呈逐渐减小趋势,坡度越大,初始浓度越高,衰减越快;污染物传输速率呈先增大后减小的变化规律,坡度越大,污染物传输速率峰值越大,峰值出现在径流深度为0.3~0.5mm之间;溶解态污染物传输过程符合指数冲刷模型,随着坡度的增大,冲刷系数k先线性增加,坡度大于3°基本保持稳定。相对于颗粒态污染物,溶解态污染物冲刷系数大,易被冲刷,冲刷集中发生在径流初期。

关 键 词:不透水表面   降雨径流   污染物传输   溶解态污染物

Influence of slope on the dissolved pollutant transport process over impervious surface
XIAO Yang,WANG Lei,ZHANG Taotao,FENG Wen. Influence of slope on the dissolved pollutant transport process over impervious surface[J]. South-to-North Water Transfers and Water Science & Technology, 2018, 16(6): 74-79
Authors:XIAO Yang  WANG Lei  ZHANG Taotao  FENG Wen
Affiliation:( 1. State K ey L abor atory of H y dr ology2Water R esources and H y dr aulic Engineering , H ohai University , N anj ing 210098, China; 2. College of Water Conserv ancy and H y dr op ow er Eng ineering , H ohai University , N anj ing 210098, China)
Abstract:Disso lved pollutants are an important pa rt o f urban rainfall r unoff po llut ion. T o r eveal their t ranspo rt pro cess during the rainfall r uno ff stage is of gr eat sig nificance to urban wastew ater t reatment. I n this study, w e conducted a series o f ex peri2 ments to study the pro cesses of r ainfall- runoff and dissolved pollutant tr ansport o ver imper vio us surface at different slopes ( 01 5b, 1b, 2b, 3b, 4b, 5b) . The results show ed that the hig her the surface slope, the sho rter the time of runoff yield and concentr a2 tion, and t he faster it to ok fo r the runoff volume to reach stability. T he po llutant concentr ation would decrease as the ra infall runo ff depth increased; the hig her the slope, the higher the initial concent ratio n, and t he faster the attenuation. T he pollutant transpo rt r ate wo uld incr ease first and then decrease with time; the hig her the slope, the larg er the peak o f pollutant transpo rt rate. T he peak of pollutant transpo rt r ate appeared when the cumulative runoff depth was 01 3 to 01 5 mm. T he pollutant trans2 port process co nfo rmed to the ex po nential wash2off model. The wash2off coefficient k w ould increase linearly f irst and then re2 main basically stable w hen the slo pe was abov e 3b. Com par ed w ith particulate po llutants, the disso lv ed po llutants had a lar ger was2off coefficient and wer e more likely to be washed o ff, especially in the initia l r unoff stag e.
Keywords:imper vio us surface   r ainfall2runoff   po llutant tr ansmissio n   disso lv ed pollutant
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