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Single tree species classification with a hypothetical multi-spectral satellite
Authors:Morten Larsen  

aDepartment of Natural Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Life Sciences Thorvaldsensvej 40, 1871 Frederiksberg C, Denmark

Abstract:The requirements for high resolution multi-spectral satellite images to be used in single tree species classification for forest inventories are investigated, especially with respect to spatial resolution, sensor noise and geo-registration. In the hypothetical setup, a 3D tree crown map is first obtained from very high resolution panchromatic aerial imagery and subsequently each crown is classified into one of a set of known tree species such that the difference between a model multi-spectral image generated from the 3D crown map and an acquired multi-spectral satellite image of the forested area is minimized. The investigation is conducted partly by generating synthetic data from a 3D crown map from a real mixed forest stand and partly on hypothetical high resolution multi-spectral satellite images obtained from very high resolution colour infrared aerial photographs, allowing different hypothetical spatial resolutions. Conclusions are that until a new generation of even higher resolution satellites becomes available, the most feasible source of remote sensing data for single tree classification will be aerial platforms.
Keywords:Single trees   Species classification   High resolution satellites
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