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Electron-beam computed tomography: preliminary experiences in the Netherlands]
Authors:M Oudkerk  AH Bongaerts  PJ de Feijter  JR Roelandt
Affiliation:Academisch Ziekenhuis Rotterdam-Daniel den Hoed Kliniek, afd. Radiodiagnostiek, Rotterdam.
Abstract:The difference between computer tomography (CT) and electron beam tomography (EBT) is that for CT the x-ray tube rotates in a ring round the patient, and for EBT the x-ray beam rotates itself. As a result, with EBT the speed of making images is not limited by the mechanical rotation of the tube, and 16 images can be made per second. An EBT scan of a whole thorax takes 9 seconds. Specific application areas are fast moving organs and patients who cannot remain in one position for long, e.g. children and intensive care patients. Research is being conducted into the possibilities of this non-invasive technique for the demonstration of coronary artery lesions, pulmonary embolism, pulmonary metastases and dynamic examination of the major respiratory tract. Costs of an EBT scan currently amount to Dfl. 450.--but they will probably decrease as this imaging system is developed further. The exposure to radiation is about the same as that caused by a (spiral) CT.
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