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引用本文:洪先志,董宗玉,顾永泉. 机械密封端面力变形的解析计算[J]. 化工设计, 2002, 12(2): 37-39
作者姓名:洪先志  董宗玉  顾永泉
摘    要:机械密封在使用过程中,受到介质压力和弹簧力等外部机械力的作用,密封瑞端面将产生变形。提出了应用壳体力矩理论求解密封环端面力变形的解析解的方法,并了相应的计算程序。同时,用实例对解析解和有限元解做了相互验证。

关 键 词:力变形  壳体力矩理论  解析解

Analytical Calculation for Force Distortion On the End of Mechanical Seal
Hong Xianzhi,et al. Analytical Calculation for Force Distortion On the End of Mechanical Seal[J]. Chemical Engineering Design, 2002, 12(2): 37-39
Authors:Hong Xianzhi  et al
Abstract:Distortion is likely to be happened on the end of mechanical seal ring by external mechanical force such as dielectric force and spring force etc. during operation. Analytical method is raised to calculate the distortion on the end of seal ring by application of the theory of moment force of shell and the relevant calculation procedure is prepared. The analytical solution and finite element is cross-verified by examples.
Keywords:Force Distortion theory of moment force of shell analytical solution  
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