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A Geometric Approach for the Theory and Applications of 3D Projective Invariants
Authors:Eduardo Bayro-Corrochano  Vladimir Banarer
Affiliation:(1) Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados, Cinvestav, Apartado Postal 31-438, Plaza la Luna Guadalajara, Jal, 44550, Mexico;(2) Computer Science Institute, Christian Albrechts University, Preußerstraße 1-9, 24105 Kiel, Germany
Abstract:A central task of computer vision is to automatically recognize objects in real-world scenes. The parameters defining image and object spaces can vary due to lighting conditions, camera calibration and viewing position. It is therefore desirable to look for geometric properties of the object which remain invariant under such changes in the observation parameters. The study of such geometric invariance is a field of active research. This paper presents the theory and computation of projective invariants formed from points and lines using the geometric algebra framework. This work shows that geometric algebra is a very elegant language for expressing projective invariants using n views. The paper compares projective invariants involving two and three cameras using simulated and real images. Illustrations of the application of such projective invariants in visual guided grasping, camera self-localization and reconstruction of shape and motion complement the experimental part.
Keywords:computer vision  invariants  Clifford (geometric) algebra  projective geometry  3D projective invariants  visual guided robotics
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