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引用本文:万志,任建伟,李宪圣,刘则洵,任建岳. 探测海洋目标的光学遥感器工作波段选择[J]. 光学精密工程, 2008, 16(10): 1864-1868
作者姓名:万志  任建伟  李宪圣  刘则洵  任建岳
摘    要:
在遥感器的研制任务中,工作波段的选择对于目标探测和识别至关重要。针对海洋目标探测这种从大背景下探测小目标的应用,分析了限制目标探测的主要因素。以深海水域舰船目标为例,利用大气辐射传输模型MODTRAN 4.0模拟计算了某型号遥感器在可见光谱区域内各个波段的目标/背景对比度和信噪比,并以此作为依据得出结论—对于以海洋目标探测为主要目的的宽波段遥感器来说,其最佳工作波段为0.5m~0.9m。

关 键 词:海洋遥感  光学遥感器  目标探测  波段选择  信噪比

Waveband selection of optical remote sensor for detecting marine target
WAN Zhi,REN Jian-wei,LI Xian-sheng,LIU Ze-xun,REN Jian-yue. Waveband selection of optical remote sensor for detecting marine target[J]. Optics and Precision Engineering, 2008, 16(10): 1864-1868
Authors:WAN Zhi  REN Jian-wei  LI Xian-sheng  LIU Ze-xun  REN Jian-yue
During the mission of developing a remote sensor, the selection of waveband is one of the most important factors for sounding and identifying a target. Aiming at the application like detecting marine target from large area background, major factors which will restrict target detecting were analyzed. As an instance, in case of abyssalpelagic ship target, the SNR and contrasts between target and background at different wavebands within visible/near infrared region were calculated by using atmospheric radiative transfer code—MODTRAN 4.0, and whereupon it was concluded that for wide waveband remote sensor aiming at marine target detecting, the best waveband is from 0.5m to 0.9m..
Keywords:Marine remote sensing  Target detection  waveband selection  SNR
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