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Telomerase Interaction Partners–Insight from Plants
Authors:Jana Fulneč  ková  ,Ladislav Doklá  dal,Karolí  na Kolá  ř  ová  ,Martina Neš  por Dadejová  ,Klá  ra Prochá  zková  ,Sabina Gomelská  ,Martin Sivč  á  k,Kateř  ina Adamusová  ,Martin Lyč  ka,Vratislav Peska,Martina Dvoř  á  č  ková  ,Eva Sý  korová  
Affiliation:1.Department of Cell Biology and Radiobiology, Institute of Biophysics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, CZ-61265 Brno, Czech Republic; (J.F.); (L.D.); (K.K.); (K.P.); (S.G.); (M.S.); (K.A.); (V.P.);2.National Centre for Biomolecular Research, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, CZ-61137 Brno, Czech Republic;3.Mendel Centre for Plant Genomics and Proteomics, Central European Institute of Technology, Masaryk University, CZ-62500 Brno, Czech Republic; (M.N.D.); (M.D.)
Abstract:Telomerase, an essential enzyme that maintains chromosome ends, is important for genome integrity and organism development. Various hypotheses have been proposed in human, ciliate and yeast systems to explain the coordination of telomerase holoenzyme assembly and the timing of telomerase performance at telomeres during DNA replication or repair. However, a general model is still unclear, especially pathways connecting telomerase with proposed non-telomeric functions. To strengthen our understanding of telomerase function during its intracellular life, we report on interactions of several groups of proteins with the Arabidopsis telomerase protein subunit (AtTERT) and/or a component of telomerase holoenzyme, POT1a protein. Among these are the nucleosome assembly proteins (NAP) and the minichromosome maintenance (MCM) system, which reveal new insights into the telomerase interaction network with links to telomere chromatin assembly and replication. A targeted investigation of 176 candidate proteins demonstrated numerous interactions with nucleolar, transport and ribosomal proteins, as well as molecular chaperones, shedding light on interactions during telomerase biogenesis. We further identified protein domains responsible for binding and analyzed the subcellular localization of these interactions. Moreover, additional interaction networks of NAP proteins and the DOMINO1 protein were identified. Our data support an image of functional telomerase contacts with multiprotein complexes including chromatin remodeling and cell differentiation pathways.
Keywords:protein–  protein interaction, replication, mitochondria, chromatin, transport, folding, telomerase, Arabidopsis
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