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Research on the calibration method of precipitation micro- physical characteristics sensor
Authors:GAO Taichang  HU Shuai  LIU Xichuan  SHU Xiaojian
Abstract:In order to diminish the effect of the ambient light and CCD pixel non-uniformity to the Precipitation Micro-physical Characteristics Sensor,a modified calibration scheme was designed and calibration experiments in sunny,cloudy,night,different location of sample space were carried out. Firstly,the characteristics of particle images which affected by ambient light and different location of sample space were analyzed. Secondly,the relevance betw een particle image features and parameters of image processing were discussed. Finally,the parameter setting scheme were determined,the radium of median filtering algorithm is 3 pixels,the defocusing radius of point spread function( PSF) is 7 pixels,the radium of erosion is 3 pixels,and the binary threshold is obtained from the Area-thresh relationship. The results show that the new scheme could deal with the image calibration well,the average errors of equivolumetric diameter was 0. 041 mm with standard deviation of 0. 115 mm,and the average errors of the axis ratio was 0. 011 with standard deviation of 0. 085. The new scheme works well in the field observation too,the observed axis ratio is consistent with the empirical relationship that proposed by Beard. The relative error of accumulation precipitation is-3. 06% after calibration,w hich is improved 1. 94% low er than the initial one without calibration.
Keywords:PRECIPITATION  micro-physical  characteristics  SENSOR  CALIBRATION  scheme  PARTICLE  image  features  thres
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