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引用本文:赵克俭,路敦柱,万虹,朱诏南,徐珊梅. 苹果的辐射效应和辐射保藏研究[J]. 辐射研究与辐射工艺学报, 1987, 0(4)
作者姓名:赵克俭  路敦柱  万虹  朱诏南  徐珊梅
摘    要:本文研究了苹果的γ辐射效应并着重研究了红香蕉苹果的辐射保藏效果。实验发现,γ辐射能使苹果呼吸强度增加而对乙烯生成量的影响则与苹果采摘后放置时间有关。综合各种因素,我们认为,300~500 Gy对苹果辐射保藏来说是合宜的。维生素C是不稳定的和不耐辐射的,而苹果中维生素C辐射效应很小,这主要是糖类和有机酸对维生素C有稳定作用和辐射保护作用。辐照对苹果中糖、酸无影响。照射后的苹果也没有测出长寿命自由基。辐射能使红香蕉苹果虎皮病发病率大大下降。品尝结果表明,辐照苹果都优于或等于对照的样品。

关 键 词:辐射保藏  呼吸速率  乙烯生成  维生素C  虎皮病

Zhao Kejian,Lu Dunzhu,Wan Hong,Zhu Zhaonan,Xu Shanmei Institute of Biophysics,Academic Sinica. STUDY ON THE RADIATION PRESERVATION OF APPLE AND THE RADIATION EFFECTS ON IT[J]. Journal of Radiation Research and Radiation Processing, 1987, 0(4)
Authors:Zhao Kejian  Lu Dunzhu  Wan Hong  Zhu Zhaonan  Xu Shanmei Institute of Biophysics  Academic Sinica
Abstract:The radiation effects on respiration and ethylene production in appleand its radiation preservation were reported in this paper. It shows that, when irradia-tion was applied immediately after harvest, the respiratory rate and ethylene produc-tion increases with the increasing of irradiation dose. When irradiation was appliedafter 7-10 days of storage, the respiratory rate still rises with the dose, while thereis a decrease in ethylene production with the increasing of dose. If the irradiation doseis less than 800 Gy the rise of respiratory rate of irradiated apple caused by the irra-diation came back to the level of the control within 5 days, but ethylene productionof irradiated apple keeps a lower level. According to the above results, dose of 300-500 Gy may be recommended for radiation preseration of apple. Ascorbic acid is unstable and is sensitive to radiation, but the radiation effects onascorbic acid in apple is very small, because the saccharides and some organic acid inapple, especially malic acid are able to protect ascorbic acid in apple from radiationdamage, From measuring the saccharides and acids in apple, it is obvious that there isno significant difference between irradiated and unirradiated apple. Long-life free radical in apple was not detected, after irradiation. Scald of applereduced from 60% to less than 15% after cold storage, for 8 monthes. The taste resul-ts indicated, tasting them without knowing which is irradiated or not, that the irradia-ted apple is superior to controlled sample.
Keywords:Radiation preservation  Respiratory rate  Ethylene production  Ascorbic acid  Radioprotection scald
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