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A fuzzy reasoning and fuzzy-analytical hierarchy process based approach to the process of railway risk information: A railway risk management system
Authors:Min An  Yao Chen  Chris J. Baker
Affiliation:School of Civil Engineering, University of Birmingham, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK
Abstract:Risk management is becoming increasingly important for railway companies in order to safeguard their passengers and employees while improving safety and reducing maintenance costs. However, in many circumstances, the application of probabilistic risk analysis tools may not give satisfactory results because the risk data are incomplete or there is a high level of uncertainty involved in the risk data. This article presents the development of a risk management system for railway risk analysis using fuzzy reasoning approach and fuzzy analytical hierarchy decision making process. In the system, fuzzy reasoning approach (FRA) is employed to estimate the risk level of each hazardous event in terms of failure frequency, consequence severity and consequence probability. This allows imprecision or approximate information in the risk analysis process. Fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (fuzzy-AHP) technique is then incorporated into the risk model to use its advantage in determining the relative importance of the risk contributions so that the risk assessment can be progressed from hazardous event level to hazard group level and finally to railway system level. This risk assessment system can evaluate both qualitative and quantitative risk data and information associated with a railway system effectively and efficiently, which will provide railway risk analysts, managers and engineers with a method and tool to improve their safety management of railway systems and set safety standards. A case study on risk assessment of shunting at Hammersmith depot is used to illustrate the application of the proposed risk assessment system.
Keywords:ALARP, As low as reasonably practicable   CP, Consequence probability   CS, Consequence severity   DHG, Derailment hazard group   EFA, Equivalent fatality analysis   EHG, Electrocution hazard group   EI, Expert index   FAHP, Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process   FEM, Fuzzy Estimation Module   FF, Failure frequency   FHG, Falls from height hazard group   FO, Frequency of occurrence   FRA, Fuzzy reasoning approach   FMEA, Failure mode and effect analysis   Fuzzy-AHP, Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process   FWM, Fuzzy weighting module   HAZOP, Hazard and Operability   MF, Membership function   ODBC, Open database connectivity   OM, Output module   PRA, Probabilistic risk analysis   RISRAS, Railway intelligent safety risk assessment system   RL, Risk level   RTM, Risk Tree Module   SHG, Slips/trips hazard group   TfHG, Train fire hazard group   TsHG, Train strikes person hazard group   UFN, Uniform format number   WF, Weight factor
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