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Recent advances in very high frequency plasma enhanced CVD process for the fabrication of thin film silicon solar cells
Authors:Jatindra K. Rath  Yanchao Liu  Arjan Verkerk  A. Borreman
Affiliation:a Utrecht University, Faculty of Science, Debye Institute for Nanomaterial Science, Nanophotonics - Physics of Devices, P.O. Box: 80.000, 3508 TA Utrecht, The Netherlands
b Helianthos b.v., a Nuon Company, The Netherlands
Abstract:We have deposited amorphous silicon (a-Si) and nanocrystalline silicon (nc-Si) materials and the total p-i-n configurations for solar cells in a high vacuum multichamber system ASTER using very high frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (VHF PECVD) process. The deposition process is monitored and controlled by in-situ diagnostic tools to maintain reproducibility of the material quality. In this paper we show our recent results on single junction (amorphous silicon) and tandem (a-Si/nc-Si) cells on plastic foil using the Helianthos concept. The tandem cell efficiency on Asahi U-type SnO2:F coated glass is ~ 12% and this is achieved by employing nc-Si deposited at high pressure (p) conditions of 5 mbar and a small inter-electrode distance (d) of 5 mm. The deposition scheme of this cell on glass was adapted for the SnO2:F coated Al foil substrates from Helianthos b.v., especially taking into account the expansion of the foil during deposition. The inter-electrode distance d was one of the variables for this optimisation process. Depositions at four inter-electrode distances of 6 mm, 8 mm, 10 mm and 12 mm (keeping the pressure-distance product constant) revealed that the deposition rate increases at higher distances, reaching 0.6 nm/s at a d of 10 mm and pressure p of 3.0 mbar. The Raman crystalline ratio showed a monotonic increase with the combination of higher d and lower p. Tandem cells with an area of 2.5 cm2 on plastic foil fabricated by the Helianthos concept and employing the above mentioned nc-Si made at 0.6 nm/s in the bottom cell and a-Si in the top cell, showed an efficiency of 8.12%, with a short circuit current density of 10 mA/cm2. The combined deposition time of the photoactive silicon layers of the top and bottom cells amounted to only 85 min.
Keywords:Nanocrystalline silicon   VHF PECVD   Solar cell   Tandem   Thin film
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