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The mannose receptor mediates uptake of pathogenic and nonpathogenic mycobacteria and bypasses bactericidal responses in human macrophages
Authors:C Astarie-Dequeker  EN N'Diaye  V Le Cabec  MG Rittig  J Prandi  I Maridonneau-Parini
Affiliation:Institut de Pharmacologie et de Biologie Structurale, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, UPR 9062, 31077 Toulouse, France. astarie@ipbs.fr
Abstract:The mannose receptor (MR) is involved in the phagocytosis of pathogenic microorganisms. Here we investigated its role in the bactericidal functions of human monocyte-derived macrophages (MDMs), using (i) trimannoside-bovine serum albumin (BSA)-coated latex beads and zymosan as particulate ligands of the MR, and (ii) mannan and mannose-BSA as soluble ligands. We show that phagocytosis of mannosylated latex beads did not elicit the production of O2-. Zymosan, which is composed of alpha-mannan and beta-glucan, was internalized by the MR and a beta-glucan receptor, but the production of O2- was triggered only by phagocytosis through the beta-glucan receptor. Activation and translocation of Hck, a Src family tyrosine kinase located on lysosomes, has previously been used as a marker of fusion between lysosomes and phagosomes in human neutrophils. In MDMs, Hck was activated and recruited to phagosomes containing zymosan later than LAMP-1 and CD63. Phagosomes containing mannosylated latex beads fused with LAMP-1 and CD63 vesicles but not with the Hck compartment, and the kinase was not activated. We also demonstrate that the MR was unable to distinguish between nonpathogenic and pathogenic mycobacteria, as they were internalized at similar rates by this receptor, indicating that this route of entry cannot be considered as a differential determinant of the intracellular fate of mycobacteria. In conclusion, MR-dependent phagocytosis is coupled neither to the activation of NADPH oxidase nor to the maturation of phagosomes until fusion with the Hck compartment and therefore constitutes a safe portal of entry for microorganisms.
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