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Protien side-chain conformational entropy derived from fusion data-comparison with other empirical scales
Authors:Sternberg, Michael J. E.   Chickos, James S.
Affiliation:1Biomolecular Modelling Laboratory, Imperial Cancer Research Fund PO Box 123, 44 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PX 2Department of Chemistry, Whiteknights PO box 224, Reading RG6 2AD, UK
Abstract:The loss of conformational entropy of protein side-chains isa major effect in the energetics of folding. The simplest approachis to enumerate the number of freely rotatable bonds. Recently,two scales of side-chain conformational entropy have been proposedbased on the definition of entropy as the Boltzmann samplingover all accessible states (S –R{sigma}piInpi, where pi is theprobability of being in a rotameric state). In one scale, derivedonly for aliphatic and aromatic side-chains, the values of piwere obtained from Monte Carlo simulations. In the other scale,the observed frequencies of different rotameric states in adatabase of protein crystal structures yielded an estimate forpi. Here an empirical estimation of the fusion entropy of theside-chains is used to derive a third scale. The fusion entropyis obtained as a sum of empirically derived contributions fromcomponent hydrocarbon and functional groups. There is a goodagreement between the fusion scale and the other two scales.This suggests that the magnitude of conformational entropy isbeing correctly established
Keywords:free energy/  fusion entropy/  hydrophobicity/  mutagenesis/  protein stability
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