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Production of yellow wine from Camellia Oleifera meal pretreated by mixed cultured solid‐state fermentation
Authors:Ming Chang  Jie Lian  Ruijie Liu  Qingzhe Jin  Xingguo Wang
Affiliation:State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology, Synergetic Innovation Center of Food Safety and Nutrition, School of Food Science and Technology, Jiangnan University, , Wuxi, Jiangsu, 214122 China
Abstract:Camellia oleifera meal was evaluated to be a potential feedstock for the production of yellow wine (YW), and process conditions were investigated. In this study, C. oleifera meal was firstly pretreated using mixed cultured Bacillus subtilis and Aspergillus niger under solid‐substrate fermentation to degrade the tea saponin (TS) for the following YW fermentation. Response surface methodology helped evaluate the effects of the selected operating parameters, and the optimal condition at a fixed time of 4 days, which gave a 67.84 ± 0.23% degradation rate of TS, was reached as inoculum concentration of 16%, initial moisture content of 55% and temperature of 30 °C. Finally, 7‐day fermentation was harvested to be the most suitable pretreatment for producing YW from C. oleifera meal, and the twice‐feeding fermentation for YW was obtained as wheat koji 12% and active yeast 1.2%. In addition, ample amino acids, phenolic components and the trace TS endowed the C. oleifera wine, the more nutritional characteristics.
Keywords:Camellia oleifera meal  degradation rate of tea saponin  response surface methodology  solid‐substrate fermentation  yellow wine
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