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Off-line/on-line signatures revisited: a general unifying paradigm, efficient threshold variants and experimental results
Authors:Emmanuel Bresson  Dario Catalano  Mario Di Raimondo  Dario Fiore  Rosario Gennaro
Affiliation:1. EADS/Emiraje Systems LLC, Abu Dhabi, UAE
2. Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Università di Catania, Catania, Italy
3. Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, Saarbrucken, Germany
4. The City College of CUNY, New York, NY, USA
Abstract:The notion of off-line/on-line digital signature scheme was introduced by Even, Goldreich and Micali. Informally such signatures schemes are used to reduce the time required to compute a signature using some kind of preprocessing. Even, Goldreich and Micali show how to realize off-line/on-line digital signature schemes by combining regular digital signatures with efficient one-time signatures. Later, Shamir and Tauman presented an alternative construction (which produces shorter signatures) obtained by combining regular signatures with chameleon hash functions. In this paper, we study off-line/on-line digital signature schemes both from a theoretic and a practical perspective. More precisely, our contribution is threefold. First, we unify the Shamir–Tauman and Even et al. approaches by showing that they can be seen as different instantiations of the same paradigm. We do this by showing that the one-time signatures needed in the Even et al. approach only need to satisfy a weak notion of security. We then show that chameleon hashing is basically a one-time signature which satisfies such a weaker security notion. As a by-product of this result, we study the relationship between one-time signatures and chameleon hashing, and we prove that a special type of chameleon hashing (which we call double-trapdoor) is actually a fully secure one-time signature. Next, we consider the task of building, in a generic fashion, threshold variants of known schemes: Crutchfield et al. proposed a generic way to construct a threshold off-line/on-line signature scheme given a threshold regular one. They applied known threshold techniques to the Shamir–Tauman construction using a specific chameleon hash function. Their solution introduces additional computational assumptions which turn out to be implied by the so-called one-more discrete logarithm assumption. Here, we propose two generic constructions that can be based on any threshold signature scheme, combined with a specific (double-trapdoor) chameleon hash function. Our constructions are efficient and can be proven secure in the standard model using only the traditional discrete logarithm assumption. Finally, we ran experimental tests to measure the difference between the real efficiency of the two known constructions for non-threshold off-line/on-line signatures. Interestingly, we show that, using some optimizations, the two approaches are comparable in efficiency and signature length.
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