Abstract: | We prove that both the synchronous data-flow language Lustre restricted to types with finite values and the synchronous state-oriented language Argos are embedded in the synchronous paradigm Timed Concurrent Constraint Programming (tccp). In fact, for each of the two languages we provide a tccp language encoding it compositionally with respect to the syntax of programs and linearly with respect to the size of programs. Besides giving results of expressiveness for tccp, our encodings permit us to obtain a language tailored for programming reactive systems where both control handling aspects and data processing aspects are relevant.Author partially supported by MIUR progetto cofinanziato Modelli Formali per la Sicurezza e il Tempo and by ESPRIT Working Group Constraint Programming for Time Critical Applications , Project Number 23677Accepted in revised form 22 October 2003 by M. Broy, G. Lüttgen and M. Mendler |