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引用本文:陈翠芳,陈晓丽. 基于POI数据的武汉市产业空间格局分析[J]. 资源与产业, 2022, 24(1): 86-95. DOI: 10.13776/j.cnki.resourcesindustries.20211221.004
作者姓名:陈翠芳  陈晓丽
作者单位:湖北省国土资源研究院,湖北 武汉 430071
摘    要:分析武汉市各类产业空间差异化的集聚性特征,划分武汉市产业圈层结构,为武汉市产业结构优化和可持续发展提供参考。以武汉市POI(point of interest)数据为基础,建立产业活动分类基准,采用ArcGIS软件的空间核密度分析武汉市产业集聚特征,利用标准差椭圆测算产业的中心性和方向性,并以产业空间布局特征划分武汉市的产业圈层结构。研究表明:1)武汉市农林业呈现出“两核多点”的集聚态势,采矿业在黄陂区和江夏区呈现出块状与多点集聚格局,而其他产业均呈现主城区核心集聚和乡村多点集聚特征,其中第三产业的次级中心围绕着新城发展。2)各类产业发展方向均为东北—西南方向,其中制造业、建筑业和第三产业主要是沿主城区长江沿岸向外扩展。3)武汉市产业发展具有典型圈层结构特征,外圈层以第一产业和采矿业为主,中间圈层以其他第二产业和部分服务业(公共管理、社会保障和社会组织,教育,信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业等)为主;而内圈层以医疗,水利、环境和公共设施管理业等服务业为主。围绕“十四五”时期发展目标,应对武汉市现代产业体系发展新态势,武汉市未来产业可依托陆港枢纽、空港枢纽和科技发展优势,引导产业向西北—东南方向集群式发展,而产业空间将仍是以高质量的现代服务业为核心内圈层,以现代专类服务业和先进制造业为集聚中圈层,以乡村新产业新业态为融合外圈层的“一核多点三圈”格局,持续优化产业结构,推进产业经济高质量发展。

关 键 词:POI(兴趣点)  产业空间格局  核密度  标准差椭圆  武汉市  

CHEN Cuifang,CHEN Xiaoli. WUHAN'S INDUSTRIAL SPATIAL PATTERN BASED ON POI DATA[J]. Resources & Industries, 2022, 24(1): 86-95. DOI: 10.13776/j.cnki.resourcesindustries.20211221.004
Authors:CHEN Cuifang  CHEN Xiaoli
Affiliation:Hubei Institute of Land and Resources, Wuhan 430071, China
Abstract:his paper analyzes the spatially differentiated agglomeration of Wuhan's industries and marks Wuhan's industrial zoning structure so as to  provide references for Wuhan's industrial structural optimization and sustainable development. POI data is used for industrial classification. ArcGIS is applied to study Wuhan's industrial agglomerating features with its spatial core density method. Standard variance eclipse is used to estimate industrial center and development direction. Industrial spatial pattern is used to mark Wuhan's industrial zoning structure. Wuhan's agriculture and forestry show an agglomerating trend of "two cores, multiple points"; mining shows a massive with multiple points agglomerating trend in Huangpi and Jiangxia districts; other industries show "downtown core, rural multiple points" agglomerating trend, with subcenter of the third industry being around the new town. Industrial development is NE-SW oriented, of which the manufacturing, construction and the third industry are outbound along Yangtze River in the downtown areas. Wuhan's industrial development is of typical zonation. The outer zone is composed of the first industry and mining; the middle zone is composed of the 2nd industry(except mining), public administration, social security, social organization, education, information transmission, software and information technology service; and the inner zone is composed of medical, water, environment and public service. Wuhan may rely on land and air transportation centers and technical advantages in the future, and lead industries to NE-SW as clusters in a pattern of "one core, multiple points, three zones" with the core of high-quality servicing, the middle zone of modern specific servicing and advanced manufacturing, the outer zone of rural new industries. This paper presents suggestions on keeping optimizing industrial structure and pushing high-quality industrial development.
Keywords:POI(point of interest)  industrial spatial pattern  core density  standard variance eclipse  Wuhan city  
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