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Undirecteds-t connectivity in polynomial time and sublinear space
Authors:Greg Barnes  Walter L Ruzzo
Affiliation:(1) Department of Computer Science and Engineering, FR-35, University of Washington, 98195 Seattle, WA, USA
Abstract:Thes-t connectivity problem for undirected graphs is to decide whether two designated vertices,s andt, are in the same connected component. This paper presents the first known deterministic algorithms solving undirecteds-t connectivity using sublinear space and polynomial time. Our algorithms provide a nearly smooth time-space tradeoff between depth-first search and Savitch's algorithm. Forn vertex,m edge graphs, the simplest of our algorithms uses spaceO(s),n 1/2log2 nleslenlog2 n, and timeO(((m+n)n 2 log2 n)/s). We give a variant of this method that is faster at the higher end of the space spectrum. For example, with space theta(nlogn), its time bound isO((m+n)logn), close to the optimal time for the problem. Another generalization uses less space, but more time: spaceO(lambdan 1/lambdalogn), for 2lelambdalelog2 n, and timen O(lambda). For constant lambda the time remains polynomial.
Keywords:undirected connectivity  time-space tradeoff
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