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引用本文:周小雨 1,' target='_blank'>2,王少辉 1,' target='_blank'>2,崔毅斌 1,' target='_blank'>2. 信阳市灵山坡水泥灰岩矿矿山生态环境修复治理研究[J]. 中州煤炭, 2022, 0(8): 32-37,49. DOI: 10.19389/j.cnki.1003-0506.2022.08.006
作者姓名:周小雨 1  ' target='_blank'>2  王少辉 1  ' target='_blank'>2  崔毅斌 1  ' target='_blank'>2
作者单位:1.河南省地球物理空间信息研究院,河南 郑州 450000; 2.河南省地质物探工程技术研究中心,河南 郑州 450000
摘    要:矿区为大型露天开采水泥灰岩矿,矿区面积29038 hm 2,通过调查,确定评估区面积为31393 hm 2。评估区内岩石完整坚硬,总体稳定性较好,区内现状评估地质灾害危险性小,预测露天采场引发、加剧崩塌、滑坡的可能性中等,危险性中等;采场整体挖损深度大于04 m,表土层全部破坏,地形地貌损毁程度为重度。分析地质生态环境修复方法,首先清理危岩体,预计清除危岩体4 000 m 3;其次采取废渣清理回填+砌筑挡土墙+平整废渣+排水沟工程等工程手段修复地形地貌景观;最后通过露天采场土地复垦、废渣场土地复垦、矿山道路两侧绿化、地表堆土场复垦等工程进行矿区土地复垦。以此缓解矿山开发与环境保护之间的矛盾,适应经济社会可持续发展的战略要求。

关 键 词:灵山坡水泥灰岩矿  地质环境特征  现状评估  生态环境修复

 Research on ecological environment restoration measures of Linghillside limestone ore for cement in Xinyang City
Zhou Xiaoyu1,' target='_blank'>2,Wang Shaohui1,' target='_blank'>2,Cui Yibin1,' target='_blank'>2.  Research on ecological environment restoration measures of Linghillside limestone ore for cement in Xinyang City[J]. Zhongzhou Coal, 2022, 0(8): 32-37,49. DOI: 10.19389/j.cnki.1003-0506.2022.08.006
Authors:Zhou Xiaoyu1  ' target='_blank'>2  Wang Shaohui1  ' target='_blank'>2  Cui Yibin1  ' target='_blank'>2
Affiliation:1.Henan Institute of Geophysical and Spatial Information,Zhengzhou 450000,China;2.Henan Province Geophysical Engineering Technology Research Center,Zhengzhou 450000,China
Abstract:The mining area is a large open-pit cement limestone mine with an area of 29038 hm 2.Through the investigation,the evaluation area is determined to be 31393 hm 2.The rock in the evaluation area is complete and hard,and the overall stability is good.The risk of geological disaster in the evaluation area is small,and the possibility of collapse and landslide triggered or aggravated by open-pit stope is medium and the risk is medium.The overall depth of the stope is >04 m,and the topsoil is completely destroyed,and the degree of topographical and geomorphic damage is severe.The restoration method of geological ecological environment is discussed.Firstly,dangerous rock mass is cleared,and 4 000 m 3 is estimated to be cleared.Secondly,such engineering means as "waste residue clearing and backfilling + retaining wall laying + leveling waste residue + drainage ditch" were adopted to repair the topographic and geomorphic landscape.Finally,land reclamation in mining area is carried out through open-pit stope land reclamation,waste slag field land reclamation,afforestation on both sides of mine road,surface pile field reclamation and other projects,so as to alleviate the contradiction between mine development and environmental protection and adapt to the strategic requirements of sustainable economic and social development.
Keywords:  Lingshanshan cement limestone mine   geological environment characteristics   restoration and improvement of the ecological environment
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