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AAI国际建筑师事务所 加拿大
摘    要:非常高兴与大家分享我们的作品选集.其中涵盖了中国范围内不同城市的各类项目。作为一个设计集团.我们在过去的5年中见证了建筑市场的风云变幻.其间的增长甚至多于在此之前自1992年我参与中国项目的个人经历总和。在抵达中国的第一天.我被邀请去和平饭店用午餐,当我在那迷人的老式大厅中徜徉的时候.又怎能想象到15年后.我领导的设计公司将参与其建筑修缮?

关 键 词:AAI国际建筑师事务所  加拿大  建筑设计  建筑作品

Allied Architects International
Abstract:AAI is pleased to share with you a selection of our projects from different cities around China.As a group, we have seen many changes in the architecture market during the past 5 years.The changes seem even greater when I take into account my personal experiences since I started working in China in 1992. on my very first day in Shanghai, I was taken to the Peace Hotel for lunch.As I wandered around its charming old lobby, I never imagined that 15 years later I would lead a firm engaged in its renovation.
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